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microDrum is a DIY MIDI drum trigger project.
It’s based on Arduino and can be used with a huge variety of e-pads / e-cymbals, up to 48 inputs!
The output can be sent to a PC and converted to drum sounds through VST like Addictive Drums, BFD, Superior Drummer and others.
The accompanying software allows features like a direct interface with VST (without USB-MIDI cable), record, playback of tablature to practice on, and more.
This is an Open Hardware product made in Italy!

Latest News

Freenode IRC Channel

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A new #microDrum IRC channel has been created on freenode for those who would like to get in contact with other project users in real time. You can choose to connect to it using an IRC client or opening a freenode web chat page on your web browser.


New Website Launched

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We’re proud to announce a new website for the DIY microDrum Project!

  • Responsive design making the website available to mobile devices.
  • Utilizes Bootstrap for easy skinning.
  • Built on Jekyll.
  • Allows for comments on news posts using Disqus: let us know what you think!
  • Most content is authored in Markdown format.
  • Updates to the site can now be submitted to the GitHub repo.


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